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Working to Protect Our Futures

Dr. Hussain has been a pediatrician in Southern New Jersey for over a decade. He now hopes to advocate for children and families on a whole new level by becoming a member of the Cherry Hill Township Council.


Sustain Cherry Hill as a multi-generational town that invests in our children’s future.


Have Cherry Hill be a positive hometown for children by providing for their health
and safety.

  1. Ensure the school district has the resources to prepare for current and

    future needs.

  2. Connect public safety officers with our youth in community settings to build

  3. Continue to grow and protect green spaces, to help defend our children’s


Ensure that Cherry Hill remains a town where multiple generations of families can live near each other.

  1. Encourage development of Accessory Dwelling Units.

  2. Continue to grow and sustain public spaces and community events.

  3. Improve safe, responsible, and healthy transit options.



Commit to responsible investment and budgeting.

  1. Decrease usage of long-term loans that foist debt far into the future.

  2. Decrease taxation loopholes.

  3. Ensure that externalities on community health and well-being are factored
    appropriately into all projects.


Interested in helping?

Volunteer your time: email with your contact info

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